The Christmas

Short post today. I’m experiencing that end of term wiped out feeling. But I have been kind of busy doing arty stuff when I could.

I’m not the only one. Christine has been a hive of creativity making countless beautiful Christmas present labels and baking a huge variety of lovely things to eat: cakes, biscuits, and things of chocolatey fabulousness.

I did this pebble for my step-Mum, Jane. Its presentation involved resizing and recovering a box …

I drilled some holes in a Golden Syrup can. The idea was to create a tea-light holder. It’s a little limp. My older lad suggested some adjustments so I’ll have a go at them to see whether they make a difference.

I read a poem this morning by Liz Berry called The Yellow Curtains. The title and some of the imagery in the poem reminded me of a Fringe production of a dramatised short story I saw in 2011. The short story was called The Yellow Wallpaper. It was written and set in the 19th Century and comprised journal entries of a young woman whose physician husband was treating her for ‘hysteria’ following giving birth. The treatment involved locking her in a bedroom with yellow wallpaper. A subsequent interpretation of the story suggests that the woman is suffering from post natal depression.

The production was amazing. The audience stood on three sides of the auditorium behind torn lace curtains. Watching the one-hander was like seeing something secret, like peeping through a keyhole and it was very effective. The poem and the memory it sparked moved me to do this …

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