This ISN’T mine but I love it. It’s on a wall on Bishop Street, near what used to be DIT and is now TUD.

This is just a catch-up post really. I’ve been doing bits and pieces. Nothing very ambitious but keeping my eye in, playing with paint, clay, string, and teabags. And developing some ideas.
I bought this …

… a while ago. It’s a printer’s letter drawer and it’s been sitting in the attic, unused, for too long. The idea was always to use it as a way of displaying some of the things I’ve made. I don’t know why it took me so long but I decided today that it needs to be painted. I experimented with these chalky colours but they’re a bit too dark. I called into the paint shop near my office this afternoon and I saw a nice off-white colour that I think would work so I’ll get some of that tomorrow and I’ll paint it over the weekend.
I’ve been working on my macrame thingy. These knots are tiny so I really just do a row at a time. It’ll take a while.

Meanwhile, I took delivery of some more of these rings. Slightly bigger than this one. I’m going to have a go at making a dreamcatcher or six.
I have quite an accumulation of teabags. Every so often, I see something that catches my eye and I feel the need to replicate it on something. The first is a pattern I saw on a mug on Pinterest. The second is based on a piece of street art I saw near the woman at the start of this post.

This is the centre of a kitchen roll. I spray painted it. No idea what I’ll do with it yet.

I’ve been playing with clay, cookie cutters and paint. I tried a few different things with some of these but they didn’t really work. That’s why I now have three gold geckoes on green backgrounds.

I made the impression on this one with a sprig of rosemary. This almost worked. I’m thinking of doing a course or taking a few lessons in ceramics.

Finally, I’ve been keeping my eye in with a mandala on a slate. I quite like this one.