I suppose in the back of my mind, I felt the need to go back to something familiar, something I was comfortable with, in order to regain some of the confidence I feel I lost with those insipid butterflies. I...Read More
Yikes-y time with a ladder but Edward was standing by to catch me, and hand me things. Anyway, it's up. I want to decorate it with butterflies and I painted a few this evening. I'm not sure about them though....Read More
I needed to be distracted this morning so I kept myself busy (and went to the gym!). Started with this. Watercolour this time. Then, as Christmas is just around the corner, I did this. The left hand holly leaf is...Read More
I spend much of my working life suggesting to young people that they slow down. Poetry, prose and drama all benefit from careful pacing. You speed up, you lose the opportunity to interpret and to really communicate with one's audience....Read More
My floral wreath doodle inspired by @minortismay on Instagram. Colours limited to the inks in the fountain pens I had to hand in the kitchen this morning. Just thinking about creativity this morning. Over the last few days, with one...Read More
I'm currently conducting an involuntary experiment in creativity and sleep deprivation! I, let's say, 'ingested' a herbal supplement yesterday evening that had the unintended consequence of keeping me awake all last night, this on top of a poor night's sleep...Read More
The work-related mayhem continues. But the end of the year is in sight. It's been a good year, to be honest. The Irish Board of Speech and Drama has grown. Thanks to Vicky, we've made some major changes in the...Read More
Not finished yet and it’s pretty rough but I’m pleased that this thing worked because I didn’t measure any of this out. I just went at it, and now I have two interlinked shapes carved out of one piece of...Read More
Well, kind of. May is always a very difficult and stressful month work-wise. This year seems more difficult than previous years, partly because the Irish Board is growing in size and complexity, and I suppose also partly for any number...Read More
It's a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. In February I ordered an airbrush through Ebay. It was dirt cheap and was being sent from somewhere in China, post free. I'm not quite sure how this works...Read More
At the glass workshop a few weekends ago, one of the participants showed us some mosaics she had completed and had stuck up on her garden walls. I had never thought of doing a mosaic before, but I have now!...Read More