
There are a lot of things swirling around in my head at the moment and I’m trying to capture them all either by doing them or by writing them down. But the problem is that I feel rushed because I want to get the thing I’m working on done so that I can move on to the next one. The rushing sometimes makes things get a bit more messy than I would like.

I remember saying to somebody last summer that there is nothing in the arts that can’t be improved by going slower. Really, that’s true. So I need to slow down, take my time and concentrate more on the thing in hand. I think I’m afraid of losing my motivation. I’ve lost it before and I spent years in a kind of limbo, wanting to draw or make things but not being able to start.

Here are some things that haven’t quite worked, the first one because the pen won’t run properly on an acrylic surface.

This one didn’t work because I rushed it and smudged it.

This next thing is the first go at an idea suggested by Christine.

And this is a lobster made from Air Dough. The photo doesn’t do it any favours. It’s only about an inch and a half by the way.

I’m going to be travelling and examining for the next few days so opportunities for art will be limited. I’ll need to be creative about my creativity.