A Stone Groove

Went in to town today, hoping to take advantage of the sales to buy a pair of shoes or even two. It’s been a while since I bought shoes and the one black pair I have are coming apart. Not a good look.

I love going into town. Usually. But not today. The purchasing mood deserted me early on and that old pair of black shoes will have to do me for another little while.

I’m also fat. So I’m going to do something about that.

A little bit of creative endeavour when I got home restored my mood. I did a negative image of the black piece of bamboo I did yesterday. Here are both of them. I’m going to suspend them vertically from a third piece hung horizontally.

In the middle of the night I was wondering what to do with the other pieces of bamboo I painted yesterday. I felt they needed a companion. I thought of sunflowers. And so this morning I found a few pictures of sunflowers and had a go at painting them. Here’s my first effort.

A useful experiment anyway. The centre bit, whatever it’s called is too small, I think. Anyway, not one to hang around, I painted a few on a piece of bamboo.

Here’s a close up …

And here’s the three together …

I’ll suspend them in the same way.

And finally, a snow scene. I’m hoping to do this in an egg shell. Might be a bit ambitious. We’ll see.

That’s it for today.