I suppose that when one is in a way of thinking that is receptive to ideas and new things, a word or a phrase can spark an idea that leads to a train of thought that, ultimately, can lead to...Read More
On this day 34 years ago, my Dad died suddenly. I had forgotten that this was his anniversary until Jane, my step-mum, reminded me. Coincidentally, while doing a bit of a tidy in our converted attic this morning, I came...Read More
Went in to town today, hoping to take advantage of the sales to buy a pair of shoes or even two. It's been a while since I bought shoes and the one black pair I have are coming apart. Not...Read More
I haven't worked on this for a while. Here's where it was on 21 November, the last time I took a knife to it ... And after today's onslaught ... Taking shape, as they say. Going to invest in a...Read More
It's 28 December 2018. Just coming up to lunchtime. I've been bringing a lot of things together: bamboo, gouache, egg shells, a silver pen. It's been a great morning. First, my phoenix idea. This kind of worked and I'm quite...Read More
Yesterday I woke early. Just after 3am. I know! Anyway, I was puzzling about that bamboo fish. Thinking that even if I did another one with string all the way around the outside, I still wouldn't be able to hang...Read More
Yesterday was busy: preparing, cooking, eating, drinking, playing games, walking, crashing out. Not much time for creativity. Stretching the point, though, I suppose I tried a few new things in the kitchen. The red cabbage recipe was a new one...Read More
Just to keep the ball rolling so to speak. I’m getting more comfortable with painting, and painting plantlife in particular. Here’s a pine forest in the mist ... (a bit rough but it’s my first go at this and I...Read More
... are difficult to paint. Here are my attempts Among them is this which I think is pretty good. The problem was that it was one of the first I did but I did it by accident. So I then...Read More
Tried a different tack. Still to the soundtrack of the singing bowls. Smaller flowers. Better concentration. Watercolour pencils. Small brushes. I'm pleased with the result. (And no, I haven't fallen out of love with gouache but I have realised that...Read More