Had some ideas over the last few days. Time, you see. And a need to be distracted. Plenty to work on anyway, although I do want to get away from just doing teabags and carvings. Anyway, this post is just to mark some time with cataloguing some work in progress.

First, my turtle. I’m at the sanding stage and I’ve managed to get this far without lopping any bits off which I’m pleased about. You’ll see some remnants of the bloodstains I mentioned yesterday. My left hand is like a pin cushion.


I’m going to do this. I mentioned it a few posts back. It’s the sculpture in Rosa Luxemburg Platz in Berlin, outside the Volksbuhne Theatre, and it’s one of my favourite sculptures.


And the early stages of some fuchsia painted onto a teabag.


Oh, and I’m making a tagine for dinner. It will feature some of my preserved lemons!