The Bodhi Tree


Looking at and thinking about the Buddha figure sitting underneath the Bodhi tree (the fig tree under which he gained enlightenment) was quite calming this evening. (I found the picture in Pinterest.) I think I need to spend more time sitting under trees or on park benches or outside cafés or beside the sea. Time is one of the things that I need in order to get my creative juices flowing. Another, of course, is inspiration but I can’t write about that just now.

I’m waiting for another used and unfurled teabag to dry and I thought I’d use the time to doodle. I’m not a good drawer (I’ve said that before) but it doesn’t matter. I was just idly playing with shapes and ideas. Some might lend themselves to being shaped in wood, some as linocuts, others as drawings. We’ll see.


The circular shape with legs at the top right is one of my favourite sculptures. It’s in Berlin, outside the Volksbuhne Theatre at Rosa Luxembourg Platz and I love it for its combination of solidity, simplicity and movement, and as a celebration of workers.

This evening I was also working on a design for I’ve been trying to do this on the cheap but I think I’ll bite the bullet and buy a WordPress template/theme. The free ones all have significant design limitations. I really need to teach myself more about WordPress and how the back end of it works.

Right. That’s it.